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DOP: game between cost and demand

Views: 0     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2022-05-31      Origin: Site


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Recently, the DOP market has shown a weak downward trend, with high shipping resistance, and the industry is also under pressure. The DOP market will still face the game between cost and demand, and some profits will be made, but facing the strong octanol, the market will try to support the price, but the effect is few. According to the recent market situation and how to interpret the future market, the following analysis is made.

The performance of raw octanol is still strong, leading the maintenance of high cost situation. Take Luxi Chemical as an example. Since last weekend, the price of octanol has been lowered, but the DOP industry is still facing cost pressure. In the later stage, octanol involves some maintenance, and the supply is expected to narrow to a certain extent. Therefore, it is expected that the price fluctuation of octanol is limited, and the conduction effect on the upstream of DOP is maintained.

O-phthalic anhydride has weakened, but the overall fluctuation space is small. O-phthalic anhydride is still in a serious upside down situation. Although downstream demand for it is weak and there is resistance, in view of the long-term loss, the market decline is also restrained. The superposition of naphthalene phthalic anhydride has a certain oversold phenomenon, and the market has a certain support. Under the situation of long-term losses, phthalic anhydride of o-phthalic anhydride has a certain trial price and is expected to be strong.

The demand side is still weak. Under the situation of long-term poor delivery, the spot supply in the DOP industry is also sufficient. Under the situation of shipping, manufacturers also reduce the load to avoid excessive accumulation of inventory. However, the effect is not obvious at present. When the industry has sufficient supply, it may be difficult to avoid the phenomenon of profit making shipping.

The weather is getting hotter and hotter. For DOP, it has basically entered the traditional off-season stage, adding its own cost pressure on the terminal, which is also resistant to DOP. When the production and sales of the terminal industry are limited, the prospect of DOP is still worrying. It is expected that the recent commencement will still be about 50% volatile. In order to reduce the resistance to delivery, the market expectation is still weak. Even if the cost is boosted, there will be a lot of resistance to the good.




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