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  • Jul
    2024 propylene glycol semi-annual analysis: The first half of the industry losses under pressure in the second half of the market cautious
    In 2024, the propylene glycol industry is in a period of centralized capacity expansion, and in the first half of the year, the new capacity at home and abroad is 261.25 million tons/year, an increase of 31.3%, and the propylene glycol market is adequately supplied. The raw material propylene oxide
  • Jun
    Freight Futures Plunge
    Affected by the first resolution passed by the UN Security Council on June 10 to support the Gaza ceasefire plan, the main contract and futures of the Shanghai European Line Shipping Index fell sharply in the morning trading on June 11. In the trading on June 11, the European Line Shipping Futures o
  • Jun
    Freight rates are soaring!!Shipping companies announced the latest wave of price increases. PSS up to $3,840
    【Freight rates are soaring!!Shipping companies announced the latest wave of price increases. PSS up to $3,840】Recently, the global shipping market due to the recovery of demand, the industry's Red Sea crisis and global port congestion and other multiple factors interwoven impact, shipping prices con
  • Jun
    Another problem with sea transportation!
    With the escalation of the Red Sea crisis and the continued rise in demand, the global capacity tension has become more serious, resulting in a sharp increase in freight rates on many routes, and companies are facing huge pressure from lack of space and containers. Today, the tight supply of ships a
  • Jun
    Dichloromethane is an organic compound with the chemical formula CH2Cl2, which is a colorless and transparent liquid.CAS#: 75-09-2CLASS 6.1 UN: 1593 Packing:270kg/drum, 80 drums, 21.6MT/20FCL, without pallets. Usage:1. Used for grain fumigation and refrigeration of low-pressure refrigerators and a
  • Jun
    Maersk reduces routes.
    Maersk announces cessation of TP20 US East Coast serviceOn May 31, Maersk’s official website released an announcement, announcing that its TP20 US East Coast service will officially end in the next few weeks.The route was originally designed to supplement shipping services between Asia and the East
  • Jun
    Hydrogen Peroxide Market in Many Weak North Significantly Downward
    In recent years, Shandong supply side of the commodity quantity is sufficient, water enterprises are mainly orders, the main downstream paper mill demand reduction is difficult to form a strong support for the market, but the local caprolactam plant is still in the maintenance state has not yet star
  • Jun
    Demand to pin down the ketone market to open a downward mode
    From the export point of view, affected by the maintenance of Japanese equipment, there is a gap in the supply of Asian market, and China's butyl ketone export advantage is obvious. According to customs statistics, from January to April, China's butyl ketone exports totaled 75,600 tons, up 67.49% ye
  • Jun
    Sea freight prices continue to climb and are expected to fall in the second half of the year
    At the end of 2023, affected by the Red Sea crisis, international shipping prices climbed, especially in Europe and the United States routes in just one month, the freight rate has doubled growth.May is the traditional off-season in the international shipping market, but this year, the situation is
  • Jun
    In June, Sea Freight Continued To Rise
    Background: Freight rates have risen sharply due to increased demand due to tensions in the Red Sea and a recovering global economy.Cma CGM price increase: FAK rate increase from Asia to Mediterranean North Africa, North Africa freight rate is close to 7800 USD /FEU. 20-foot cabinets increase by $40
  • Total 65 pages  Go to Page
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