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Home » Blogs » Blogs » Butyl acetate: market analysis and future market forecast in the first half of the year

Butyl acetate: market analysis and future market forecast in the first half of the year

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In the first half of 2022, the domestic butyl acetate Market as a whole fluctuated downward, and the market middle price fell by 19.29% compared with the end of last year.

In January, the overall trend of butyl acetate followed that of the raw material n-butanol. In the later period, the logistics was limited near the Spring Festival, and the market trading slowed down gradually. After the Spring Festival in February, the opening price of the raw material n-butanol rose. Due to the active replenishment of positions after the Spring Festival, the available spot was scarce, and most of the holders were reluctant to sell. The price soared across the board. With the support of costs, the price of butyl acetate rose, but due to the decline in the price of raw material acetic acid and n-butanol, Under the cost containment, the price of butyl acetate fell; In early March, driven by the price of crude oil, the price of methanol rose rapidly, the price of acetic acid rose sharply, and the price of n-butanol was strong. Supported by the cost, the price of butyl acetate rose. In the middle of the month, due to the epidemic, downstream demand and traffic congestion in many places, the market trading was light, and the market transaction price continued to decline.

The overall trend in the second quarter fluctuated in a narrow range. Before the May Day holiday, there were many replenishments in the downstream, and some acetic acid manufacturers had maintenance plans. The price of acetic acid rose, and the price of butyl acetate rose with the cost support. In June, the price of n-butanol continued to weaken, superimposed on the continuous decline of the price of raw acetic acid, and under the influence of insufficient cost support, the price of butyl acetate continued to fall.

In July, the price of butyl acetate continued to be weak, the trend of raw material acetic acid and n-butanol was weak, the cost support was insufficient, and the overall demand in the downstream was relatively light. The purchasing multidimensional held the rigid demand, the on-site trading atmosphere was general, and the raw material side was expected to weaken, while the downstream of the demand side maintained the rigid demand, the on-site mentality was general, and under the influence of weak supply and demand, it was expected that the domestic butyl acetate Market would continue to be weak in the short term, In the later stage, we still need to pay attention to the manufacturer's device dynamics and the trend of raw materials, and it is recommended that industry insiders operate with caution.



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