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These articles are all highly relevant Toluene. I believe this information can help you understand Toluene's professional information. If you want to know more, you can contact us at any time, we can provide you with more professional guidance.
  • Sep
    Toluene Cas no.: 108-88-3 China supplier
    Toluene Cas no.: 108-88-3 China supplierSep 10, 2023Chemical name: TolueneCAS NO.: 108-88-3Appearance: Transparent liquid, which did not dissolve in water and mechanical impurities.Toluene is a clear, colorless, volatile liquid with a sweet, pungent, benzene-like odor. It is flammable at temperature
  • Dec
    Toluene, Xylene Weekly Market Report 2022-12-22
    Table of contents1. Summary of current market conditions 1.%2 foreign market 1.1.%3 Toluene Market in Asia, America and Europe Market price unit: USD/tonFigure 1. Trend chart of toluene market in Asia, America and Europe from 2021 to 2022Types ofFOB Korea CFR China FOB USA FOB Europe December _14th
  • Jun
    Impact of crude oil falling and toluene price on TDI
    The East China toluene Market negotiation was quiet this week, and the price was withdrawn. On the one hand, U.S. crude oil production rose to a new high since April of 20 years, and crude oil inventories increased more than expected. The sharp rise in the risk of economic recession weakened the out
  • Apr
    Toluene and xylene: port sealed biphenyl is more expensive and less market
    Last week, with the spread of the epidemic in Shanghai, the confidence of the chemical market was frustrated, and more than half of the related products fell. While Zhangjiagang took sealing and control measures in the middle of the week, it was difficult to pick up toluene, xylene and other
  • Apr
    Recent trend analysis of toluene and TDI
    In March, the domestic toluene and xylene market showed an "m" shape trend, which is highly correlated with crude oil. On the one hand, affected by geopolitical tensions, the price of crude oil futures in Europe and the United States fluctuated and soared. WTI remained at a high level near us $105 /
  • Apr
    Toluene: weak external support, high price of biphenyl difficult to maintain
    In March, the domestic toluene and xylene market showed an "m" shape trend, which is highly correlated with crude oil. On the one hand, affected by geopolitical tensions, the price of crude oil futures in Europe and the United States fluctuated and soared. WTI remained at a high level near
  • Feb
    Toluene xylene: crude oil finishing two benzene suspicious wait-and-see
    U.S. and European crude oil futures have been climbing since the end of December 2021 amid geopolitical tensions. U.S. crude oil WTI recently hit a seven-year high near $95 a barrel, boosting confidence in the chemical market. After the Spring Festival toluene, xylene market in crude oil and
  • Nov
    Toluene Applications and Risks
    What is toluene? Toluene is also known as methylbenzene, phenyl methane and toluol. It was originally extracted from the tropical Colombian tree of Myroxylon balasamum which has an aromatic extract known as tolu balsam.



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